Lecture Material
Vessel Traffic Service Operators
Module / Subject Units
1 – Language Language structure
Specific VTS messages construction
Standard phrases
Collecting information
2 – Traffic Management Regulatory requirements
Roles and responsibilities
Principles of waterway and traffic management
Traffic monitoring and organisation
VTS environment
3 – Equipment Telecommunications
Radar, audio, video and other sensors
VHF/Direction finding (VHF/DF)
Tracking systems
Information management
Equipment performance monitoring
Evolving technologies
4 – Nautical Knowledge Chart work
Collision regulations
Aids to navigation
Navigational aids (ship borne)
Shipboard knowledge
Port operations and other allied services
5 – Communication General communication skills
Log and record keeping
6 – VHF Radio Radio operator practices and procedures
VHF radio systems and their use in VTS
Operation of radio equipment
Communication procedures, including SAR
7 – Personal Attributes Interaction with others
Human relation skills
Responsibility and reliability
8 – Emergency Situations International, national, regional, local regulations
Contingency plans
Prioritise and respond to situations
Record activities concerning emergencies
Maintain a safe waterway throughout emergency situations
Internal/external emergencies