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FMSC can provide:

  • Experienced senior staff involved in all aspects of the project.

  • The use of SimFlex, software that is world recognised for providing accurate ship manoeuvring simulation.

  • Ability to prepare detailed environmental models quickly while ensuring modifications for subsequent modelling can be easily made.

  • An understanding of real ship and tug handling combined with experience of pilot operations at a wide variety of ports.

  • A written report of simulation set up and outcomes. In addition to the written report, the preparation of movie files and additional pictures for presentations to your client and other stakeholders, if required.


FMSC and can develop a specific analysis of simulations. FMSC has worked with engineering companies on several projects and has experience in:

  • Existing personnel who have a combined experience of over 15 years in ship simulation.

  • Interpreting the data produced by SimFlex, software.

  • Technical expertise in all areas affecting port design and ship handling, including wave, current, wind and tidal monitoring and modelling in coastal areas.

  • In particular, FMSC has extensive experience in pilotage, ship simulation, wave and current modelling along the Western Australian coast including Port Hedland, Dampier, Geraldton, Bunbury, Fremantle, Cockburn Sound and Esperance. FMSC has also provided simulation to ships Captains, Tug Masters and Pilots from a variety of Ports on the East Coast of Australia.

  • FMSC assisted BP pilots to develop all the operational and emergency procedures for a Greenfield LNG port in Indonesia.

  • Lateral thinking to help develop alternative solutions.


FMSC has worked with engineering companies in developing various requirements of port development, such as:

  • Channel approach and channel design.

  • Swinging basin and berth approach design.

  • Berth design including ship landing forces, angle of landing and rates of landing.

  • Mooring configuration and bollard loading (due to wind and interaction from passing ships).


FMSC has provided a wide range of services, including:

  • Marine pilot training;

  • Tug master training;

  • Specialist ship’s master training;

  • Access to high accuracy, high definition ship simulators for other training organisations;

  • Access to high accuracy, high definition ship simulators for port and harbour investigations including larger vessels and new layouts.

  • Assistance in the development of Safety Management Systems complying to IMO Standards

  • Development of port models for use in simulations

  • Leasing of facilities to partner companies


Access & Equity


Quality Objective


Feedback received from staff and students confirms that FMSC’s products and services, including training & assessment, are produced and delivered in a fair and equitable way.

The purpose of this is to ensure that FMSC adheres to principles of access and equity for both staff and students thereby maximising the outcomes for the business and its customers.

Equity is about ensuring that all people have the supports that they need to access, participate and achieve to the same level. Equal opportunity focuses on everyone having an equal start whilst equity focuses on participation and achievement to an equal level. Equal opportunities to learn should be provided to learners who have a disability.  FMSC may have to adjust the way training and assessment is carried out to minimise any disadvantages learners with a disability may face

It is the responsibility of the Manager to ensure the principles of accesses and equity are adhered to and that all staff and students to implement this P&P.


Standards for RTOs


As an RTO FMSC must provide clear information to prospective learners prior to enrolment or commencement of training or assessment activities, to enable them to decide if the RTO and course is suitable for them, taking into account their existing skills and knowledge and any specific needs.


We provide equitable access to all required educational and support services, so that no learner is disadvantaged regardless of their mode of study or location. We make any limitations regarding access to these resources clear in our pre-enrolment information so clients and learners can make an informed choice about which RTO and course of study best meets their needs.


The needs of our learners are considered in the assessment process and reasonable adjustments are made to accommodate our students. However, we ensure that the rigour of the assessment process is not compromised.



As a provider of  nationally recognised  training and assessment services, FMSC is legally and ethically bound to provide a working environment which:

  • Does not discriminate against student groups or individuals on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, physical or intellectual impairment or age.

  • Provides both students and staff with a safe and healthy working environment, which is also free from discrimination and harassment of any kind.

  • Values respect, courtesy and privacy.


The implementation of access and equity is the responsibility of all FMSC employees, however the Manager has a particular role in promoting:

  • The understanding and implementation of Equal Opportunity Principles;

  • A sensitive and non-discriminatory manner in dealing with clients and staff.


The needs of learners are to be considered in the assessment process and reasonable adjustments are to be made to accommodate the learner. However the rigour of the assessment process must not be compromised.  Special client needs will be identified through:

  • initial contact with the RTO

  • receipt of application materials, and

  • orientation events prior to the commencement of training and or assessment.


Consideration to be taken into account but not limited to include :

  • Are there any specific workplace requirements or minimum LLN levels stipulated for the industry FMSC caters for

  • What level of fitness is required by the Industry

  • Would students with a disability have a reasonable expectation of gaining employment if they were disabled.



1.     Staff responsibilities

  • It is the responsibility of all FMSC staff to ensure the requirements of the access and equity policy are met at all times.

  • All participants who meet our entry requirements will be accepted into our training programs.

  • Any issues or questions regarding access and equity can be directed to The Manager


2.     Information for Clients & Students

  • Prior to enrolling in a course students and clients are provided with FMSC Information for Students which informs them of or directs them to:

  • The FMSC’s Access & Equity Policy

  • Student support services

    • How are they are provided with information specific to each course?

  • Website

  • Information leaflets

3.     Disability

  • Anti-discrimination legislation aims to ensure people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as all others.

  • FMSC fully supports this premise so in accordance with P&P 9-02 – Enrolment & Confirmation, students are required to inform staff of any special needs they may have prior to enrolment so all reasonable steps can be taken to ensure their requirements are met.

  • If a student indicates they have a disability their suitability for training must to be assessed by the Trainer & Assessor before they can be enrolled in a course in accordance with Checklist – Reasonable Adjustment. Some considerations include but not limited to:

  • What level of reasonable adjustment is appropriate for the industry sector

  • What level of fitness is required by the industry

  • Would students with a disability have a reasonable expectation of gaining employment if they were disabled.

    • FMSC will take all reasonable steps to accommodate their needs or refer them to an appropriate agency for additional support.


4.     Language, Literacy and Numeracy

  • The training and assessment offered by FMSC is based on written materials and assessment is through written and oral questioning as well as practical activities. There are also numerical calculations.

  • We recognise that not all people are able to read, write and perform calculations to the same standards, so we endeavour to help students where we can to accommodate anyone with difficulties with language, literacy or numeracy.

  • In accordance with P&P 9-02 – Enrolment & Confirmation students are to identify specific requirements in this area when they complete the enrolment form.

  • If a student indicates in the enrolment form that they do not speak English well or not at all their suitability for training must to be assessed by the Trainer & Assessor before they can be enrolled in a course in accordance with Checklist – Reasonable Adjustment. Consideration is to be taken into account of any specific workplace requirements or minimum LLN levels stipulated for the industries the RTO caters for.

  • FMSC will take all reasonable steps to accommodate their needs or refer them to an appropriate agency for additional support.


5.     Student Support Services

Support services may include but is not limited to:

  • Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN)


Identified through the LLN assessments and further actioned through available training in certificates in spoken and written English or additional contact hours provided by the Trainer & Assessor

  • Mentoring


Provided one on one by Trainers & Assessors

  • Disability support;


Determined through Enrolment Forms and actions to be determined dependent on disability

  • Information Technology (IT) support

  • Job search and placement

  • Personal counselling

  • Study support (this may include but is not limited to mentoring, one on-one-training, retraining after an NYC assessment, etc.)

  • Support programs (these may differ from state to state, services and programs will be reviewed and provided to students on a case by case basis based on a needs analysis)

  • Learning and assessment programs contextualised to the workplace in accordance with RTO PRP – Reasonable Adjustment.

  • Career guidance.

    • Mentoring


As part of FMSC commitment to flexible and innovative delivery strategies and access and equity principles mentoring support will be made available to all students, particularly to those course participants from minority or regional groups.



Achievement of the Quality Objective will be measured through feedback received from staff and students which confirm the products and services, including training & assessment, are produced and delivered in a fair and equitable way.


Complaints & Appeals

Quality Objective

All complaints and appeals are dealt with in a constructive and timely manner.



The purpose of this Policy & Procedure is to provide guidance on the resolution of complaints and appeals made against the organisation by customers, including students, stakeholders or staff.



The Manager is responsible for the implementation of this P&P.

All other personnel are individually responsible for supporting the Manager to ensure continual improvement is made wherever possible.


Reference Documents

Reference documentation which relate to this P&P include

  • TAC Policies & Guidelines

    • TAC Fact Sheet – RTO complaints and appeals (Coming soon)

    • Training Accreditation Council (TAC) Complaints Handling Policy


Standards for RTOs 2015 Requirements


The RTO must have a policy for dealing with complaints about the organisation, third parties, staff or other learners. They must also have an appeals policy, in case there is a request to review or reconsider a decision that has been made.


These policies must be publicly available, for example, by including them on the RTO website or displaying them in common areas for staff and learners.


The RTO’s process must follow the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness and the decision maker is to be independent of the decision being reviewed.


The policy should disclose any costs associated with a third party review so all parties are aware of any costs they may need to pay.


The RTO must deal with complaints and appeals promptly. The timeframes that will apply to resolution of complaints and appeals should be identified, so that complainants know how long it should take to get a response from the RTO at all stages of the process. If a complaint or appeal (including any review process) will take more than 60 days to finalise, the RTO is to write to the people involved explaining the delay.


The RTO is to record all complaints and appeals received, and document outcomes. This information is to be used to review the RTO’s processes and practices to ensure the issue doesn’t happen again.


The RTO is to identify potential causes of complaints and appeals and takes appropriate corrective action to eliminate or mitigate the likelihood of reoccurrence.


ISO Requirement

Ensure any nonconforming product is identified and controlled to prevent its unintended use or delivery. Establish a documented procedure to define the controls and related responsibilities and authorities for dealing with nonconforming product.

Maintain records of the nature of the nonconformity, and any subsequent actions, (including any concessions). When the nonconformity is corrected, re-verify it to show conformity.


The Complaints and appeals Policy & procedure will be made publicly available on the FMSC website.




FMSC will deal with any complaints, whether from students, clients or staff in an effective and timely manner, typically resolving all complaints within two to four weeks. Please contact the Training Development Manager should you have any queries or questions (listed under our contacts tab on this website).


Assessment Appeals

A student may appeal against an assessment outcome within 14 days of receiving notification of their results.

The grounds for an assessment appeal are:

  • The judgement as to whether competence has been achieved and demonstrated was made incorrectly.

  • The assessment plan is not flexible or fair.

  • Judgement was not made in line with the assessment plan.

  • The assessment plan does not address the collection of evidence sufficiently.



FMSC  will deal with any complains or student appeals in an effective and timely manner, typically resolving all complaints within 60 days.

  • Each complaint or appeal and its outcomes will be recorded in writing.

  • The RTO will act upon any substantiated complaints or appeals.


The Managing Director  is responsible for managing the resolution of the complaints and appeals.

Where more than 60 calendar days are required to process and finalise the complaint or appeal, The Managing Director :

  • will informs the complainant or appellant in writing, including reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required, and

  • regularly updates the complainant or appellant on the progress of the matter.


All complaints and appeals are to be recorded on the RTO Complaints & Appeals Register and are to be reviewed at the monthly management meetings and, if appropriate, will result in a continuous improvements activity. Also possible causes of complaints or appeals are to be identified and corrective action is to be taken to eliminate or mitigate the likelihood of reoccurrence.


If the client or student is still not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint or appeal, they can

  • seek further assistance from TAC

  • FMSC is to identify potential causes of complaints and appeals and takes appropriate corrective

  • action to eliminate or mitigate the likelihood of reoccurrence



1.     Initial complaint

  • When a staff member is approached by a student or client about a complaint they should in the first instance attempt to resolve the issue themselves.


2.     Receiving a complaint 

  • All complaints, whether received verbally or in writing shall be brought to the attention of the Business Manager who shall record the details on a Template – Complaints & Appeals Form.

  • All complaints will be acknowledged in writing by the Managing Director. Such acknowledgement shall advise the complainant that further investigation will take place and a report of the findings and proposed continuous improvement actions will subsequently be reported.

  • The Business Manager will analyse all reported complaints with Directors and following investigation, continuous improvement action will be taken in accordance with P&P 0-00 – Continuous Improvement.


3.     Response to the Customer

  • When investigation of complaints has taken place, the Business Manager shall prepare, if considered necessary, a report of all relevant findings and advise the complainant that proposed continuous improvements have been taken to eliminate causes identified.

  • This report will be approved and signed to indicate so by the Managing Director.

  • The written management response should also contain information concerning the complainant’s right to appeal the decision through an Independent Adjudicator.

  • All independent adjudicator outcomes will be communicated to the complainant in a timely manner.

  • Each complaint and its outcomes will be recorded in writing on the FMSC Complaints & Appeals Register.

  • All complaints received are to be kept on file

  • All staff should be aware that the same process is available to them as well, should they have a complaint.


4.     Assessment Appeals    

  • Appeals against FMSC decisions including, assessment decisions, are to be submitted in writing on the Template – Complaints & Appeal Form

  • FMSC will deal with any student appeals against assessment decisions including in an effective and timely manner, typically resolving all appeals within two to four weeks.

  • Each appeal and its outcomes will be recorded in writing on the FMSC Complaints & Appeals Register..

  • Each appeal is heard by an independent person or panel that is mutually agreed upon

  • Each appellant:

    • Has the opportunity to formally present his or her case

    • Is given a written statement of the appeals outcomes, including reasons for the decision.


5.     The appeal for re-assessment is proven

  • If an appeal for re-assessment is proven FMSC will make all necessary arrangements to conduct the re-assessment of the student at a time that is mutually convenient for all parties concerned.


6.     Appeal not proven  

  • If the appeal is not proven and the student is not satisfied with the resolution of the appeal, they can seek further assistance from TAC.


7.     Review 

  • All complaints and appeals are reviewed at the Management Meetings and if appropriate will result in a continuous improvement action.

  • The Manager is to maintain contact with the customer to explain or invite the customer to visit the FMSC to inspect continuous improvements action.



Achievement of the Quality Objective will be measured by the number of appeals and complaint resolved without the intervention of an independent adjudicator.


Fremantle Maritime Simulation Centre Pty Ltd - ACN 128 126 492

© 2022 by Fremantle Maritime Simulation Centre

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