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Lecture Material
MAR20121 - Certificate II in Maritime Operations
MAR20121 Certificate II in Maritime Operations
1. MARF050 Follow work health & safety, and emergency procedures during mooring
2. MARB054 Apply marine terminology and port procedures
3. MARC059 Transmit and receive information by VHF within Australian Territorial Waters
4. MARF049 Follow port and terminal security procedures
5. BSBXTW301 Work in a team
6. MARJ006 Follow environmental work practices
7. HLTWHS005 Conduct manual tasks safely
8. MARC061 Conduct mooring operations using mechanical equipment
9. MARE003 Communicate during mooring operations
10. MARC062 Perform mooring operations
11. HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
12. MARB055 Maintain mooring equipment
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